Logo of Data TGIF which represents connecting with everyone

Starting DataTGIF

This post was first published on my employers website/blog here. I just started to organize a free to join MeetUp called Data TGIF that will be scheduled once a month on a Friday afternoon. This MeetUp organizes free data events for Friday afternoons to celebrate the start of the weekend by meeting people to a Microsoft Data Platform talk. If you don’t know the term TGIF: According to Wikipedia, TGIF stands for Thank God It’s Friday and is a common expression in English speaking Western countries....

Jun 17 2021 21:56 Zurich, Switzerland · 2 min · Kay

Moving to Hugo

I’ve moved from WordPress to Hugo. Just because I’ve never really made very good experience with WordPress. Yes, it is easy, but one has just to hope that all plugins will work together and keeps working together in the future. My move to Hugo was inspired by Kendra and Justin. Furthermore, the integral usage of Markdown makes it super easy to use code within a blog post. At the moment, it is not possible to comment any posts yet....

Jun 12 2021 19:20 Zurich, Switzerland · 1 min · Kay
powershell terminal that indicates an installation for SSMS

SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio

If you’ve installed SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) recently, chances are that you’ve noticed that Azure Data Studio (ADS) was installed too. Since SSMS Version 18.7, ADS gets installed alongside with SSMS by default. But you might not be familiar with ADS. What is it and how does it set apart from SSMS? And how to install SSMS alone? Introduction ADS is a free, open source and cross-platform SQL code editor with built-in IntelliSense that is also able to manage SQL Server in Azure, so just this description alone sets it quite apart from SSMS....

Jun 03 2021 00:58 Zurich, Switzerland · 3 min · Kay
dog with a thank you card

My journey to my first speaking

To give a speaking in public for the first time is always scary. At the DataWeekender in October last year, Angela Henry who was moderating some sessions together with me, mentioned that there is a website where you can look for mentors and recommended it to me if I would want to pick up speaking. The website is speakingmentors.com and was created by Alex Yates, so I’ve later learned. At the end of March this year, I’ve decided that I want to start to speak this year....

May 19 2021 00:00 Zurich, Switzerland · 3 min · Kay
Yellow DataWeekender van, the cool logo of DataWeekender

I am speaking at DataWeekender

Yes, it looks a bit funny: on this blog, the last post was about my supporting as a Moderator of DataWeekender in last October. Ever since, I’ve set up this blog and got much more active on my Twitter account. And this does not mean that I’m leaving my dev.to account, but just that I now have additionally a blog that I have more control about. This May 15, I will be debuting for speaking at conferences....

Apr 28 2021 00:00 Zurich, Switzerland · 1 min · Kay